PNS toy example
Example of horizontal analysis using PNS
1. Set up
To make this example work, please first download J. S. Marron's softwares on and unzip it. The softwares we need are 'General' and 'Smoothing'. Then, add 'General','Smoothing' and 'SRVF' to your search path. One way to do it is: Click on 'Set Path' -> 'Add with Subfolders', select 'General', 'Smoothing' and 'SRVF', then all these three and their subfolders will be added to the search path.
2. Make data
d = 300; n = 21; sig = 0.1; m = 1; warpRange = 5; b = 3; randn('seed',0); gamO = zeros(d,n); a = linspace(-warpRange,warpRange,n+1); a = a(a~=0); t = linspace(-b,b,d); m=1; f = zeros(d,n); for i = 1:n; if a(i)~=0; gamO(:,i) = ((2*b)*(exp(a(i)*(t+b)/(2*b))-1)/(exp(a(i))-1)-b); else gamO(:,i) = t; end; end; t = (t+b)/(2*b); gamO = (gamO+b)/(2*b); for i = 1:n; f(:,i) = normrnd(m,sig) * betapdf(gamO(:,i),6,12)+ ... # 6,12 normrnd(m,sig) * betapdf(gamO(:,i),12,6); end; mycolor = hsvcolmapQY(n); % rainbow color clf ; hold on; for i = 1:n plot(t, f(:,i),'color',mycolor(i,:)) end hold off;
3. Fisher-Rao curve registration
lambda = 0.0 Initializing... Computing Karcher mean of 21 functions in SRVF space... updating step: r=1 updating step: r=2
4. PNS on the warping functions
inputstruct = struct( 'gam',gam,... 'meanf',fmean,... 't',t,... 'colmap',mycolor, ... 'plotType',2,... 'npns',3); curvepnsLXS(inputstruct);
Message from PNSmain.m; dataset is on 298-sphere. .. found null space of dimension 278,to be trivially reduced. .. then narrow down to 20-sphere
(c) Qunqun Yu, Xiaosun Lu 2015