Key for mapping of Figures from SSS1fig's to SSS2fig's: 1. Most figures from draft 1 (SSS1.tex, original PAMI submission), are just used as is in SSS2.tex. 2. The exceptions are simply copies of SSS1 figs, as follows: a. SSS1fig4.eps ---> SSS2fig4b.eps SSS1fig4.wmf ---> SSS2fig4b.wmf b. SSS1fig6b.clp ---> SSS2fig4a.clp SSS1fig6b.wmf ---> SSS2fig4a.wmf c. SSS1fig6a.clp ---> SSS2fig6.clp SSS1fig6a.wmf ---> SSS2fig6.wmf 3. The movie files are similarly copied as: a. SSS1fig4.mpg ---> SSS2fig4b.mpg b. SSS1fig6b.mpg ---> SSS2fig4a.mpg c. SSS1fig6a.mpg ---> SSS2fig6.mpg